Friday, September 14, 2012

Pentecost 16b - conclusion

I can’t say I’m suffering today but I am a little sore. Lisa’s horse Desperado decided he was done riding and I thought differently so when I went left he went right. It’s not quite the same as being thrown outright but you still land on your butt which is obviously more fun for the horse than it is for the rider. The effects of yesterday’s yahoo is a stiff neck and a sore elbow which is not much considering what can happen when horse and rider part company unscripted. Isaiah’s tongue of the teacher recounts the days of distress so that those who are weighed down and weary might get back in the saddle or at least get off the ground. The psalmist loves the Lord because the “brought low” psalmist has been lifted up by the Lord who loves those who cry out. James suggests not many should presume to teach, or ride for that matter, because pride goes before the fall. And in the Gospel Jesus’ idea of Messiah and Peter’s are polar opposites in the same way that I wanted to go around the arena one more time and Desperado was headed for the barn. Of course like Jesus dialogue with Peter I rebuked the stubborn gelding and got back on for a few more turns around the barn before I got off on my own terms.

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