As one who walks around in a long robe once a week and sits up
front in the sanctuary and at the head table and is often greeted in public with
a nod and a “Morning, Father” I must admit there is some truth to Jesus
description of “pastored up” pride. The designation (in some Lutheran circles) of “Herr Pastor” did not come about without cause. That being said there is
also a great sense of humility that comes from being “a steward of the
mysteries of God” and bearing the burdens of God’s people “not because you must
but because you are willing” (ordination vows) because no one takes those vows
without repeating the refrain “…and I ask God to help me”. The only help (and hope) of the
poor widow comes from God as she is neglected by the institution that requires her copper coins (the temple tax) even though support for widows and orphans
and the poor and "the sojourner in your midst" was required of the institution as a reminder that “once you were slaves in the land of Egypt”. Maybe the greater
condemnation received by the outwardly pious and proud is that when the doors
of the banquet of the future are closed to them the widow at the head table will
ask Jesus to let them sit next to her. And maybe Jesus will ask, “are you sure?”
And she’ll say, “Yes, and I ask God to help me.”
Absolutely beautiful. It took me aback, and the image at the table became so vivid I could see it clearly. The widow could see clearly. I pray for clarity for all of us this Sunday when we hear this Gospel passage and remember, yes, remember the women and men who have served us at the table, the generations at the military table of freedom. Christian Brocato, Rector, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Cambridge, MA