Lent has always been my favorite season of the church year. I attribute it
to being fed a steady diet of sad country western songs as a child and having a
fondness for hymns in minor keys. Or maybe it was all the effort that was put into
Lent, the shrouded cross, the purple banners, the symbols of pain and suffering
just made church more interesting. I do know I first came to love Jesus during
Lent because the story was so sad and Jesus did it for me, though I’m sure as a
child I didn't understand why. That is what is happening in this text. The
giving of first fruits is connected to the story of Israel’s beginning so they
will understand why they offer first fruits in the first place. We were treated
harshly in Egypt
but God heard our voice and saw our affliction and did something about it and
so we do something in return. That distinction, the doing something in return,
is what makes this a story of grace and not just paying for a piece of
property. It is the gift of freedom, land flowing with milk and honey, which
prompts the giving of a gift to the gift giver. Like the children of Israel we were
in bondage to sin but God heard our cry and saw our affliction and did
something about it. So in the giving up or the taking on, the effort put into
Lent, we give a gift to the gift giver and enter more fully the sad story that has a happy ending.
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