Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sunday of the Passion Year A - Philippians 2:5-11

Philippians 2:5-11
Though he was in every way God Christ Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be exploited but emptied himself of power to be found in human likeness and ultimately be exploited by the cross. Letting go of God status is beyond our ability to comprehend for we are inclined to hang onto every shred of power we can get our hands on and only take on the servant’s form temporarily anticipating a heavenly reward for our humble efforts. None-the-less Paul exhorts his Philippian “partners in the Gospel” (and by extension all who read these words) to have the mind of Christ that is described in what most believe is a hymn of the ancient church. To have the mind of Christ means more than playing nice or letting others have their way. Jesus doesn’t give up to give in but willingly takes on the cross so that his act of being emptied might fill the world with the light of a new creation where love conquers hate; light banishes darkness; life overcomes death. It is because Christ Jesus let go of being God in order to be hands free to pick up our humanity that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus’ way was and is God’s way, which is good news indeed.

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