Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All Saints Year c - Ephesians 1:11-23

Knowing the hope to which you have been called is the inheritance we have obtained. It is more than a panacea for whatever present difficulties one might be enduring, like that old school practice of delayed gratification. Just wait for it. It is an “already” as in a present reality. But the hope to which we are called is also a “not yet”. It is why Paul gives thanks for the faith of the Ephesians which allows them to possess what is not fully realized. For the power of Christ is at work in this age in the same way it is in the age to come - at the very same time for Christ is not bound by time or space. On All Saints we celebrate the reality that the saints in light are never far from us and that when in a dream, or a chance encounter, or a memory, or a vision, they draw even closer our not yet becomes an already and their already becomes, if only for an instant, a not yet. With the eyes of our hearts enlightened this hope to which we have been called transforms us to live in faith the not yet as if it were already, which, of course, in Christ it truly is.


  1. It's amazing how the words, "it's going to be okay." can mean so much when spoken by the right person at the right moment. No matter what calamity surrounds us we can believe it, if only for that moment, and find strength and comfort. But as you point out, Christ doesn't just say it "will be" okay, but assures us that with him it already "is" and always "was" okay. In the midst of a turbulent life and an upside-down world, he is the anchor that draws us into the eye of the storm with him. So when the inertia of life threatens to pull us back into worldly storms, we can focus on him knowing "there's no peace like Christ, there's no peace like Christ, there's no peace like Christ..." and bring ourselves back into the presence of the one who never leaves us. To the one who was, is and will be enough to keep us in his grace, no matter how many demons we may face.
