Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Psalm 63:1-8

Psalm 63:1-8
I'm sitting on the second floor of the Lutheran School of Theology Chicago welcome center. There's a plaque on the wall dedicated to The Reverend Doctor John Tietjen "who in the midst of strife and conflict advocated the unifying power of the Gospel..." John was the pastor of Trinity Church, Fort Worth when I first came to Calvary Lutheran and I was blessed to know him as a mentor, colleague and friend. Sometimes in the watches of the night when your soul thirsts and your flesh faints God is found through the wise council or loving care of a fellow pilgrim. Maybe God always refreshes us in that way so that even years later you remember a word spoken or an embrace shared and like a drink of water in a weary land your troubles seem less troubling and your burdens are more bearable. John lives where the saints of God rejoice eternally but on this cold Chicago day he's visited this pilgrim for a moment with warm memories that have brightened my spirits and refreshed my soul.

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