Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Proper 22 C - Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Habakkuk cries out his complaint into the silence of God and
wonders “what’s the point?” I wonder the same thing when evil events paint a
cruel caricature of the human race. But the truth is I know more decent people
than the depraved ones that dominate the news and even though good people do
not make the headlines they make the world a better place simply by being in
it. Even so Habakkuk’s complaint is that God is not doing enough to see that
the wicked are diminished and the decent flourish. God’s response is to give
Habakkuk something to do. “Write a vision on tablets a runner can see.” Our
“make a sign a runner can see” means we speak God’s “wait and see” in the face
of all that troubles us and put all our effort and energy into transforming
this world to look more like the world God promises is coming. In that way we
act out the hope that God’s deliverance is not delayed whenever decent people
act decently.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Proper 21 C - Luke 16:19-31
It appears there is a great chasm
between the table of the rich and the poor at the gate that is as fixed as the
one between Hades and Abraham’s bosom and the only thing the rich man can count
on is that his brothers will be joining him sometime in the future. The lesson
to be learned seems to be a Christian version of Karma which means we would do
well to make a down payment on a mansion in glory by moving into a homeless
shelter in the here and now. But that’s the problem with paying too much
attention to the details of a parable which are only there to set up the punch
line. According to Luke the crowds to whom Jesus first told the joke included
money loving Pharisees but I doubt many of them laughed when they heard it.
While they claimed to listen to Moses and the prophets their love of money and
neglect of the poor at the gate violated the very teachings they claimed to follow.
The irony is that the raising of the real life Lazarus led them to believe
Jesus had to die in order to save the nation (John 11:45-53) and because of that we, who
believe because someone rose from the dead, listen to Moses and the prophets
today. But if we don’t want the joke to be told on us we will bridge the chasm
between the table of the rich, where we often sit, and the poor at the gate,
which we hardly visit, with acts of charity, mercy and kindness motivated not
by a need to avoid Hades but the desire to make the world we live in look a
little more like Abraham’s bosom.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Proper 21 C - 2 Timothy 2:1-14
The sincere faith that first lived in Lois and Eunice might not
be the best thing to rekindle in Timothy given the suffering Paul is
experiencing. But something about that faith was so compelling that a
presumably loving grandmother and mother believed Timothy would be better off
confessing the faith even though it might lead to imprisonment or death. The
spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline was not for cowards in the
first century. According to church tradition Timothy was beaten, dragged through
the streets of Ephesus and stoned to death for preaching what Lois and Eunice and
Paul persuaded him was sound teaching of which one should not be ashamed. In
twenty-first century America participation in the sound teaching of faith and love
carries no threat of persecution and yet according to a decade worth of polls
is in serious decline among those in both the Eunice and Timothy age
demographic. A whole generation has been lost to the holy calling of God’s
purpose and grace and Lois is wondering why. It could be that the most
dangerous threat to the faith was to neuter it by making it mainstream until a
majority of people could claim to be Christian without practicing or
participating in any communal expression of it. So what do we do? We do what Paul
preached to his beloved child Timothy - rekindle the gift of God, the sound
teaching of the faith and love that is in Christ Jesus. Move out of the
mainstream and into the marketplace. Do not be ashamed to give a reason for the
hope that you have and with gentleness and respect be people of persuasion for
the good treasure entrusted to us is worth sharing.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Proper 21 C - Psalm 146
The Lord does not operate in a vacuum and the vision cast by the psalm cannot be realized without corrective lenses. In the real world the oppressed do not see justice without assistance and the hungry are not fed without being invited to dinner. The only praise of the Lord that makes a difference to the Lord is the praise that makes a difference to those the Lord loves; the blind, the prisoner, the stranger, the orphan, the widow, the ones bowed down by the weight of the world. In the meantime the wicked would helped by those who love the Lord when reminded that the only hope they have is that the Lord will revive them once their plans perish.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Proper 21 C - Amos 6:1-7
Amos’s “alas” could have been written
for our time when bad loans repackaged in new paper brought the mortgage
industry house of cards crashing down and the rest of the economy with it.
Those most responsible got a “get out jail free” card and while the politicians
pointed fingers at each other no one grieved over the ruin of “Joseph” except
the “Josephs” who lost jobs and homes and for many any hope of finding gainful
employment again. In the land of endless distraction, we can be like those lounging
on couches listening to idle music oblivious to the fact that shuttered
storefronts represent real people who longue not in luxury but for lack of a
job and whose only song is a lament. The word of Amos was a warning that went
unheeded by those at ease in Zion secure on Mount Samaria until
the Assyrians came knocking on the door with an eviction notice. Whether you
think we have fully recovered from the great recession or not the way we heed
this warning of Amos is to grieve with and for those who still suffer loss of
home and livelihood while at the same time acting on the word of James 2:14-17 by providing comfort,
support and shelter as we are able. In so doing we anticipate the day when “alas”
will be “alleluia” and we will find our place in the many rooms of the Father’s
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Proper 20 C - Luke 16:1-13
Luke 16:1-13
I don’t know what Jesus is thinking as friends made by dishonest wealth are more than likely “friends in low places” (Garth Brooks) and one wonders what sort of eternal home they own. But that’s the problem with this parable. It doesn’t fit any of the familiar parable patterns where the characters are clearly defined and the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. In this case compound cheating with interest is commended and the children of light are encouraged to imitate the children of this age. But maybe we are not to put much stock in the master’s admiration of the dishonest steward, after all he is still without employment and there is no guarantee that the friends gained by dishonesty will prove trustworthy. What if we are not meant to put this story into a neat parable package that can be filed away and forgotten? Maybe the point of the parable is in the unsettling nature of it and the lesson to be learned is that it reveals the truth about our attempt to serve two masters by neither hating wealth nor fully loving God.
I don’t know what Jesus is thinking as friends made by dishonest wealth are more than likely “friends in low places” (Garth Brooks) and one wonders what sort of eternal home they own. But that’s the problem with this parable. It doesn’t fit any of the familiar parable patterns where the characters are clearly defined and the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. In this case compound cheating with interest is commended and the children of light are encouraged to imitate the children of this age. But maybe we are not to put much stock in the master’s admiration of the dishonest steward, after all he is still without employment and there is no guarantee that the friends gained by dishonesty will prove trustworthy. What if we are not meant to put this story into a neat parable package that can be filed away and forgotten? Maybe the point of the parable is in the unsettling nature of it and the lesson to be learned is that it reveals the truth about our attempt to serve two masters by neither hating wealth nor fully loving God.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Proper 20 C - 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Can we make
supplication, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings for a king, or in our
time elected officials, while at the same time engaging in the time honored
American tradition of treating those voted into high positions with disdain or
outright contempt? The first Christians had no such choice. The kings and
people in high places for whom they were urged to make supplication, prayers,
intercessions and thanksgivings were actively seeking to put them into the low
place of the grave and frankly their most ardent prayer was simply to be left
alone. The wisdom of this pastoral letter is not about temporal politics but
eternal destiny. God’s most ardent desire is for everyone to be saved and come
to the knowledge of the truth. If our practice of politics contradicts a quiet
and peaceable life then we are to choose godliness and dignity above partisan
positions for the sake of the One who gave himself as a ransom for all. Even so
this text does not prohibit passionate engagement in the political process. It
just reminds us that what is right and acceptable is to make supplication,
prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings for people in positions of authority
keeping in mind that God passionately loves the person we might disagree with
as a politician.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Proper 20 C - Amos 8:4-7
Amos can cry “Hear this” all he wants but those who make the
ephah small and the shekel great are deaf to the cries of the poor and needy.
Neither do they fear God whose Sabbath day of rest is an interruption to
predatory practices where profit is the only bottom line that counts. Consumed
by greed they sell even what is swept from the threshing floor so that there is
nothing left for charity. The world enamored by wealth and power admires such
single minded devotion to succeed at all costs as a sign of superiority but God
sees the plight of the poor, hears the cries of the needy, listens to the
prayers of those sold for a sandal and swears to never forget. Does that mean God
is against profit? No. What Amos calls into question and what God will never
forget is when profit comes at the expense of the poor. It should not escape
our attention that God chose to be born into poverty and that our attitude
towards the poor and needy is a direct reflection of our devotion to the God
whose love is the only profit that really counts.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Proper 19 C - Luke 15:1-10
I wonder if there was someone in the grumbling crowd who thought
the carpenter from Nazareth would make a lousy shepherd. No one leaves the
ninety-nine to fend for themselves in the wilderness to search for the one lamb
who is lost unless you don’t mind losing at least a few of the ninety-nine. But
then with Jesus the point is always in the punch line. There is rejoicing in
finding the one who is lost. So Jesus will lose more than a few Pharisees and
scribes in order to find a lost tax collector or sinner but then that isn’t the
point either is it? I don’t believe Jesus is being sarcastic when he refers to
Pharisees and scribes as righteous. No. If he meant to criticize them he’d call
them a brood of vipers or white washed tombs like he does in Matthew’s Gospel.
Here he acknowledges the hard work of righteous piety that requires no
repentance but in typical Jesus fashion I think it is a set up for what comes
next. The story that follows the lost sheep and lost coin is a story about two
lost sons and a waiting father. It’s a story about a hard working stay at home
first son who doesn’t realize all the father has is already his and a lost and
found younger son who didn’t know what he had until he’d left it all behind. It
is for these two lost children that Jesus comes. A story for the righteous
Pharisee who works so hard for what is free and the tax collector who gives
away everything of value to get what is worthless. But of course the point is
in the punch line and when the righteous ninety-nine find the lost sinner and
the lost sinner finds the righteous ninety-nine then both are found by God
because there is as much joy in being found as finding.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Proper 19 C - Psalm 51:1-10
King David didn't write Psalm 51 until he had nowhere to hide. It’s not that he didn't know what he had
done. He just thought he'd gotten away with it. It began when glancing
over the balcony he caught sight of Bathsheba bathing and “look don’t touch”
was not enough to satisfy his lust. But his sweet emotion soon turned sour when
“the rabbit done died” (Aerosmith) and the consequence of his carnal knowledge
with another man's wife threatened to show. As with most people in power honesty is
the last option to be exercised so the offense is compounded as Uriah the
righteous husband refusing to cooperate with David's scheme is killed to protect the king's deceit. David might have been able to live with the lie for a long time, most
of us can, were it not for the prophet Nathan who tells the story of a rich man
stealing a poor man’s lamb and King David unaware that he is the subject of the
story demands the death of the offender. “You are the man” is the end of
Nathan’s sermon and the beginning of David’s confession. “Against you only have
I sinned” might appear to put Bathsheba into the backseat again, save for the
understanding that violating the sanctity of another human being is always a
crime against the One to whom all life is precious. That might be the one thing
that David gets right and in the end makes him the man after God’s own heart.
If our confession acknowledges God as the one we wrong when we harm another,
including self, maybe the only persuasion we need in order to be honest with
ourselves and others is the desire to return to the God who wants nothing more than to continually
create in us clean hearts.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Proper 19 C - Exodus 32:7-14
God might have regretted the promise made to Abraham in light of the golden calf and in a more irreverent moment one
might even imagine the Lord uttering Homer Simpson’s exclamation of
resignation… D'oh!!! In the end the Lord’s mind is changed by Moses who
persuades the Lord to protect the Lord’s own name so that the disaster visited
upon the stiff necked people won’t turn the Lord into the subject of an Egyptian
joke. It is a very human image of God
that any loving parent of a willfully disobedient child might recognize. God is
stuck with these people brought out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched
hand and God, throughout the wilderness wandering, will have to be talked down
from the precipice of hot wrath burning against ungrateful people. No other God
puts up with such disrespect or is as long suffering as the God of Israel. I
wonder if through the “changing of the mind” God’s mind becomes fixed to
forgive in a far more dramatic way when through the disaster visited upon the
Christ God’s mind cannot be moved away from mercy no matter how many golden
calves are created by God’s own people. Oh but surely there is a consequence
for worshiping false idols? Of course there is. The idol you worship is false.
Or in other words; you can’t get milk or mercy from a golden calf.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Proper 18 C - Luke 14:25-33
The first Christians didn’t have to wonder what in
the world Jesus meant by carrying the cross or hating family relationships or
even life itself. The cost of discipleship was not hypothetical or expressed by
increased personal piety or putting an extra something in the offering plate.
They carried real life crosses to real life places of crucifixion. They were
kicked out of synagogues, disowned by families, excluded from participating in
commerce and dragged into courts for confessing Christ. Our problem, if we want
to call it that, is that no one cares if we follow Christ or not and we are
certainly not persecuted for our beliefs. Oh I know we can’t have officially
endorsed Christian prayer in secular schools anymore and the Christ has gone
missing from Christmas and media caricatures of Christians are generally
negative but do you really want to compare that to being torn apart by wild
beasts in the arena? I get a tax break from the IRS for being a minister for
goodness sake! No. We are still very much in the mainstream of societal life
and so our counting the cost is not nearly as expensive as it was in the past
or is in the present for Christians in places like the Sudan or Palestine or
Syria. So how do we count the cost when where we live subsidizes our belief system rather than trying to stamp it out? Speaking for
myself, I will confess that whatever I do it will not be enough. Not because I
can’t but because at some level I won’t. I have grown comfortable with one foot
planted firmly in the world I love while trying to keep a toe hold in the land
I long for. I have borrowed against the unfinished building and accepted terms
of peace even before counting the opposing forces. But then that is why Jesus
was crucified isn’t it? For the cost I am unwilling to pay, the cross I won’t
carry, the ways I will not forsake. Well, yes. But that cannot be where it
ends. There is, I believe, a hope in the heart of the One who carried the cross
for us that one day in our confession of not being willing our feet firmly
planted in the ways of the world will slip and our toes will take a firmer
grip in the world that will be until standing up in the here and now those who
won’t… finally will.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Proper 18 C - Philemon 1
At some point during its history the church decided a short
personal correspondence was worth including in the collection that would become
the New Testament. Maybe even a laundry list signed by the apostle Paul would
have made the cut. Who knows? Its inclusion in the lectionary means that people
in the pew rediscover it every three years. Onesimus, the runaway slave, will
be put to death unless Paul can persuade Philemon to pardon him. He uses all
his powers of persuasion, including some that border on the manipulative, but
in the end appeals to his relationship with Philemon. Paul loves Onesimus as a
child and Philemon as a brother and does not want to lose either one. The happy
ending is that Philemon forgives Onesimus and welcomes him into his household as
a brother and Paul breathes a sigh of relief. But it is more than just an
interesting story with a happy ending. Lives were hanging in the balance.
Onesimus will be put to death. Philemon will lose a relationship with Paul
whose ministry changed Philemon’s life. Paul will lose a child and a brother.
It is the stuff of our stories where one family member pleads for the sake of
another that a relationship restored might bring refreshment. It is the stuff
of God’s story where the Son is sent to bring back all who have run away that
the family circle be unbroken in the here and now and in the forever home.
Maybe Philemon is where the Bible’s rubber hits the road and the master
forgiving the slave because he loves Jesus as much as he owes the apostle is
why the little letter belongs in the Book.
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