Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter 2 A - Acts 2:14, 22-32

The first Sunday after Easter is often referred to as low Sunday by those in the pastor profession. It is the day when the church pews and parking spaces of the every week faithful are not occupied by the twice a year faithful. Of course this year is different and this "low Sunday" will look just like Easter 2020. On the other hand our ability to do virtual church might mean that those who are not in the habit of coming to church every week might watch church every week in their PJ's. Who knows? Either way Peter’s Pentecost sermon addressed to those who were hearing the story of salvation for the very first time is a fitting text for the first Sunday after Easter 2020. It was impossible for death to hold him in its power is how Peter puts it and I can’t imagine a more powerful message for a world held captive by the power of Covid-19. Resurrection is not a one time event or a once a year celebration with lilies and trumpets and choirs singing the Hallelujah chorus. No. It happens every day when you open your eyes and wake from sleep and thank God for the gift of another day And in a similar way it is a one time eternal event when from the sleep of death you open your eyes and see the One who death could not hold in it's power.

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