Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Epiphany 6b - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

I’m running the Cowtown 5K at the end of the month and hoping to beat my personal best time of 26:04 though even then I’ll be at least 10 minutes slower than whoever wins. So I’m not taking Paul at his word since I figure a 26:03 is a winning time for me and even if I don’t run as fast as I hope I’ll still be happy for having run. That is why I don’t much care for the analogy of punishing my body and enslaving it as a model for the life of faith. Don’t get me wrong, I push this 55 year old body to the edge of my physical limits in LA Fitness classes six days a week, but I find the experience exhilarating not inhibiting. Of course Paul just wants to make the point that the life of faith requires effort and that the imperishable wreath we run for is worth winning and wearing. But I think running the race is as much a joy as winning the prize, which truth to be told was won for us already by the One whose body was punished on the cross and enslaved in the tomb by a world that didn't have a chance in hell to win any other way.

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