Lent 1b - conclusion
Lent has always been my favorite season of the church year. It
could be because from a very early age my father fed us on a constant diet of
sad country western songs and Lent like a sad country song somehow makes me
feel better. Maybe it’s because feeling sad is better than not feeling at all.
I don’t mean depression or the debilitating sorrow of tragic loss, even though some
would say Lent is depressing enough, thank you very much, and I’ll grant you it
ends in a tragedy of cosmic proportions that of course turns out to be good news. No, the point is I think Lent allowed
or maybe encouraged Lutherans to feel something when looking at the cross
draped in purple and singing O Sacred Head Now Wounded which does not come
naturally to Germans and Scandinavians. So for six weeks I felt the faith I
could explain during the rest of the year by the catechism I memorized.
The lesson of the flood begins the time of fasting and penitence by reminding us
of the consequence of wanton wickedness and the mercy of God. The psalm pleads
for a forgetful God who none-the-less remembers to be merciful. Peter sees the
flood as a foreshadowing of baptism where dying to sin is rising to new life.
And in the Gospel Jesus enters our life of temptation and wilderness wanderings
so that we might hear the Good News and live the kingdom come.
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